Kemper unveils new green initiative

Kemper unveils new green initiative
Sean Dudley

Management company KemperSports has launched a new environmental initiative. The Green to a Tee programme is designed to extend the company's practices in environmentally sound property management.

Green to a Tee encompasses environmentally focused initiatives within several core areas of facility operations, including golf course maintenance, habitat management, water conservation, energy usage and recycling

“Green to a Tee is an interactive programme that gives staffers not only an awareness of environmental practices but also real-world applications that they can begin using immediately to make a difference in their everyday lives,” said CEO Steve Skinner. “As a company, we have always tried to act in an environmentally sensitive manner and to be good partners in the communities in which we operate. This programme will take that commitment to the next level.”

The programme is divided into four levels of certification. All facilities are expected to achieve Level I status, with many test sites already fulfilling the requirements. Levels II, III and IV call for an increasing degree of demonstrated environmental commitment in order to achieve certification. Kemper’s sites include iconic venues such as Chambers Bay and Bandon Dunes.