Who do I contact regarding advertising?
Please contact Benedict Pask on +44 116 222 9900 or
Where can I get information on advertising rates, specifications etc?
For this information and more, just download our Golf Course Architecture Media Information document.

A rigorously controlled circulation ensures that the printed Golf Course Architecture magazine reaches almost every golf club and golf course management firm in Europe, approximately 2,000 of the highest profile clubs outside Europe, and a large and increasing number of golf developers, with over 20,000 different individuals receiving at least one copy of the magazine over the course of a calendar year. Given that recipients tend to share their copy with friends and colleagues, we estimate a yearly readership in the region of 50,000 people in the golf business.
A number of advertising options are available in the printed magazine, from display advertising to inserts and other creative solutions.

We have a limited number of advertising positions available on our website, all of which are visible on the home page and all content pages throughout the website.
In addition, you can promote your business within our GCA Green Pages directory of suppliers to the golf industry. For a small charge, your organisation can be included in both the online directory and our printed directory, which is circulated as a supplement to the January edition of our printed Golf Course Architecture magazine.