30 COMPANIES A-Z Atlas Turf International PO Box 4731 LaGrange GA 30241 USA Contact: John Holmes Tel: +1 706 881 2430 info@atlasturf.com www.atlasturf.com Atlas Turf International provides turf on a global scale as a worldwide distributor of the highest quality turfgrasses for golf courses and sports fields. Atlas Turf offers the most sought-after genetically pure, licensed and certified warm season turfgrasses including paspalum, ultradwarf bermudagrass, bermudagrass, and zoysia. Partnering with Pure Seed and Tee-2Green, Atlas Turf also offers superior cool season turfgrasses including bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass, and fescue. In addition, Atlas Turf now provides native grasses. More than a supplier, Atlas Turf collaborates with clients to provide complete grassing solutions from selection stages through to grow-in phases. Extensive experience in the golf industry, knowledge of worldwide distribution channels, relationships with the leading turf experts, and alliances with the world’s premier golf associations give Atlas Turf an unparalleled position in the global turfgrass market. For greens, tees, fairways, and roughs, and sports fields of every kind, Atlas Turf is the global choice for the finest turfgrasses available. Audubon International 120 Defreest Drive Troy New York 12180 USA Contact: Mark O’Mell, Director of Signature Sanctuary Certifications Tel: +1 518 874 4661 mark@auduboninternational.org www.auduboninternational.org Audubon International (AI), a nonprofit environmental organisation with over 35 years of experience, is the trusted name in environmental certifications for golf courses, resorts and communities. During this time, over 3,000 properties have been enrolled with 1,000+ certified, including many top 100 courses. AI offers two certifications for golf courses and golf property developments, the most elite and customisable being its Signature Sanctuary. By working with stakeholders from the project’s start or throughout a renovation, AI’s Signature Sanctuary programme is your partner in sustainable design, construction and long-term environmental stewardship of a property. Its second golf-focused certification is the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary, which works to improve environmental practices and management techniques at existing golf courses and facilities. By combining technical assistance, education and third-party verification, AI assists golf course managers, architects and other stakeholders in implementing sound environmental management plans for today and the future using a science and datadriven curriculum.