Golf Course Architecture - Green Pages 2021
59 Southwest Greens Construction Weiland 1 D Heteren 6666 MH Netherlands Contact: Kevin Holinaty, President and International Sales Director Tel: +34 616 58 27 87 Southwest Greens Construction is the construction arm of Southwest Greens International, responsible for all major commercial projects for the Southwest Greens brand globally. Southwest Greens International is considered a global leader in the sales, design, installation and maintenance of synthetic turf systems for the golf market. Since 1996 the company has installed and maintained over 25,000 projects around the world. The company offers a variety of concepts for the home and professional markets. As well as more than 50 of the world’s top PGA touring professionals practicing on the SWG surface, the Southwest Greens product has been chosen by Golf Digest as the best synthetic golf green five years in a row. The Southwest Greens Boutique Golf and Signature Green concepts create beauty, enjoyment and add value to many homes. Southwest Greens Construction is a pioneer in the development of synthetics and engineering solutions in response to the changing demands and needs of the golf industry. It has identified four business units to focus on – golf courses, driving ranges, short game areas and entertainment venues. In each of these units, new solutions are emerging, with synthetic turf systems being a big part of the innovative growth. SWG Construction has developed a complete line of product systems that solve so many challenges for venues within each of these business units. Spence Golf Design Inc. 7853 Alcorn Road Oak Ridge NC 27310 USA Contact: Kris W. Spence, President Tel: +1 336 207 0183 Kris Spence is a North Carolina-based golf course designer specialising in the renovation and restoration of classic golf architecture. Spence Golf Design provides a full range of golf and design services including full course Master planning, cost estimation, project scheduling, construction specifications, bid preparation and design-project oversight. The team of talented designers and shapers closely follow a handcrafted approach to creating courses with timeless character full of variety and strategic interest. Whether designing an original layout or restoring an older classic, the firm is inspired by the philosophic approach of those before them such as Donald Ross, Tillinghast and Raynor. Kris Spence has extensive experience in every facet of the golf business including 18 years as a highly successful golf course superintendent and over 20 years in award winning design and construction. The design firm is separated from its peers by its diverse background and inspired approach to its craft. Kris Spence has successfully completed over 40 major golf course projects in the US. Recent and upcoming work includes the sensitive Ross restoration at Sara Bay Country Club in Sarasota, Florida, the renovation of the Dogwood course at Country Club of North Carolina in Pinehurst and a new course at the Quixote Club in Sumter, South Carolina.
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