• A2LA-Accredited Laboratories, as recognised by the USGA. • Over 25 years expertise in the testing of proposed construction materials and the custom designing of rootzone mixes. • Full range of physical tests available for amendments, rootzones, soils, sands and gravels, used in course construction and drainage. • Active participants in the USGA Proficiency Testing Program. • Prompt, accurate and reliable results guaranteed. Our mission is to provide the turfgrass industry with the most complete physical testing facility for all materials used in the construction process. ETL and TTS are part of European Turfgrass Laboratories Ltd Scotland, UK +44 1259 725060 | europeanturf@etl-ltd.com www.etl-ltd.com Thomas Turf Services Texas, USA +1 979 774 1600 | soiltest@thomasturf.com www.thomasturf.com www.jemsekgolfdesign.com Photo: Charles Cherney Photography Specializing in mid-century classics Enhancing courses by Dick Wilson, Joe Lee, Robert Von Hagge & others www.betterbillybunker.com @Billy_Bunker We do Bunkers... Better.